Carolyn Tierney

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The Toxin Soup in Our Homes - My Top 3 Places in YOUR home that you can create an IMPACT

Our home is a place we enjoy family moments, relax and recharge from the outside world.  What most don’t realize is the toxic soup we may have in our home! It can be cleaned up so no worries, only education. Good news there are places we can address that are big wins and will make an impact on your overall Home Health which makes those family moments that much better.


My Top 3 HIT List of places toxins live in our home

  1. Air Quality

  2. Water

  3. Household Cleaners


In Part 1 of our series of blog we will look at our AIR QUALITY

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the average American spends 93% of their life indoors.  87% of their life is indoors, then another 6% of their life in automobiles.  That’s only 7% of your entire life outdoors.  Wow not so good!

In a recent study the EPA found that:

“concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations.” – EPA Indoor Air study

To read the  EPA Study 

How does all this time we spend in our home effect our healthy?  Exposure to poor indoor air is thought to contribute to allergies, asthma, toxin load in our bodies, rising incidents of autism and more.

When I am first looking at the home I examine the air ventilation and habits of the occupants

  • Are rooms being aired out with fresh air? This is a habit we all need to do.

  • Have HVAC and Heating systems been maintained properly so the air is not contaminated? It is important to look at the age, quality and maintenance of current systems in the home.

  • Is household décor adding to air quality? Flame retardants, stain proof coatings, compressed board furniture, “fragrance” products such as scented candles and air fresheners all create poor air quality.

  • Is the house sealed well but also has correct air flow? This is a structural issue that can be improved.

  • Identify Building Materials used in the home’s construction that have VOC’s (volatile organic compound) which are off-gassing?

What can you do you ask?

Open your windows and air out your home.

Use cleaning products that are organic and Toxin FREE. A favorite in my house to clean floor is White Vinegar, water and essential oils. I love the smell of Lemongrass, peppermint and cypress and bonus it also lingers as a insect deterrent.

Gets your ducts cleaned - HVAC and also laundry pipes.

Declutter - yes you should Kon Mari and get to those corners where dust is trapped.

Create a policy that everyone takes their shoes off upon entering!

Are you overwhelmed or confused? Happy to answer any question you have. Leave a question here or Schedule a free call to talk about the steps you can take to make your house a Beautiful healthy HOME.